
  • Monday-Saturday 10 am – 7 pm
  • Sunday 11 am – 6 pm

Hours may vary. Please check with venues of interest in the directory for extended hours.

Slate Program

Bringing unity and joy to our community has long been one of our goals at City Center Bishop Ranch, and this year we’re hoping to bring some of that to each of you with a generous splash of colorful figures joining together along the shimmering perimeter of the Renzo Piano-designed building.

Slate John Hersey Love
Slate John Hersey Kindness
Slate John Hersey Happiness

The Slate Art Program was launched in 2018 to enrich the East Bay community by visually weaving together the rich elements of culture, civic life and commerce.

The initial program featured acclaimed local artists whose works boldly proclaimed and brought to life the cultural richness of the region.

For 2021, City Center wanted to embrace those hard to define but essential qualities that fuel us and connect us all as humans. Feathery light yet joyfully dynamic images by Bay Area artist John Hersey manage to elegantly convey six of those very human aspirations, qualities all the more valuable in a pandemic era: unity, kindness, happiness, love, hope and courage.

In addition to the John Hersey banners, two City Center tenants — Patelco and Heller Jewelers — will be presenting blocks of three banners each to advertise their stores and brands while sharing sales proceeds with a designated local charity. Bringing together culture and commerce together in new and aesthetic ways can indeed be a boon to civic life.